
Art + 设计 Distinguished 校友

从2019年开始,艺术与设计系与学院合作 艺术 & Letters, began selecting one alumnus to be awarded the Distinguished 校友 奖. 获奖者的选择是为了表彰他们的个人成就和贡献 为他们的领域服务,为他们的社区服务,以及对奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的忠诚.


2023 - 生锈的米切尔 (1997)

生锈的米切尔 2023奥斯汀皮伊州立大学艺术与设计系杰出校友

生锈的米切尔获得了美术学士学位,专注于图形艺术 1997年毕业于365bet设计专业,并获得弗吉尼亚视觉传达专业美术硕士学位 Commonwealth University in 2001. 


Mitchell is the vice president of design for Mercury Intermedia. 总部设在纳什维尔, 田纳西,水星为iOS提供应用策略,设计和开发, Android and connected devices. 


在水星,米切尔领导的设计师团队在产品战略和设计和 participates in business planning and direction. He has over 20 years of design experience 在转行之前,他做了几年的艺术总监和音乐包装设计师 focus to application design. 


在水星工作期间,他帮助了TED Talks、松下、《365bet平台》、The New等品牌 York Times, CNN and countless others succeed in the mobile app space. 他有应用程序 导演和设计的视频被数百万人使用,其中有一对甚至被恶搞了 “The Daily Show” and “Futurama.” Mercury apps have garnered awards and recognition 从传播艺术,威比奖,广告时代和更多,同时接受推广 and praise from Apple and Google. He has also contributed interviews for Josh Clark’s 关于设计优秀iPhone应用程序的书《365bet》,以及苏珊娜·金斯伯格的书 book “设计ing the iPhone User Experience.” 

2022 - 金正日雷德福 (2002, 2007)

金正日雷德福 365bet Art + 设计 校友纳什维尔的画家和壁画家金·雷德福(金正日雷德福) 2002年毕业于奥斯汀皮伊学院 with a BFA in Studio Art. 关于 her time at 365bet Kim says: "My studio professors still live in my mind to this day! Their passion, feedback, encouragement, and constructive criticism is still sharpening me and practice today."

From the Brand Wise Collective当前位置雷德福为她的壮观的艺术作品创造了相当多的追随者 Dolly Parton, Of Course Black Lives Matter mural located in East Nashville. Among her artistic murals is a Dragon image commissioned 由美国乐队德鲁·霍尔科姆和邻居们演唱,以纪念来自 their album Dragons.  Her works are popping up all over the South with her unique 波普艺术天赋.

Radford loves familiar things done large. Kim has a mission to make public art that 是一种诱人的艺术,人们可以触摸,站在旁边,拍照,录像和 even promote themselves with it.  Radford got started with mural art when she was at 365bet earning her Bachelor of Fine Art degree. From painting Cinderella for a child’s 房间,她的艺术开始从家庭到小企业再到大企业. 你 can read more about Radford on her 网站 and you can find her on Instagram @kimradfordartist.

2021 - 克里斯·唐斯 (1996)

克里斯·唐斯 Art + 设计 Distinguished 校友Christopher Downes于1996年获得了365bet的美术学士学位 his career actually started before he graduated. From 1993 to 1996, he was the editorial cartoonist for 365bet’s very own newspaper, The All State. He even won First Place for 1996年东南新闻大会最佳社论漫画奖 on The Million Man March.

毕业后,Christopher作为一名平面设计师在爱尔兰的戈尔韦生活和工作 - where he developed a fondness for living overseas. In 2000, he moved to Australia 进入塔斯马尼亚大学艺术学院,并获得硕士学位 Fine Art and 设计.

从那以后,克里斯托弗就成为了一名自由插画师,为博物馆等客户服务 澳大利亚民主,爱播客,皇家塔斯马尼亚植物园,和 Crinkling News, a newspaper made just for kids. In 2021, he wrote and illustrated 世界著名艺术博物馆蒙娜美术馆出版的儿童读物《365bet》 Museum of Old and New Art) in Hobart.

他还为塔斯马尼亚的《365bet》(The Mercury)做了10多年的编辑漫画家 主要报纸. During that time, he’s drawn cartoons on everything from local forestry 就婚姻平等和澳大利亚对待庇护等联邦问题展开辩论 搜索者. 2015年,克里斯托弗被授予斯坦利最佳社论/政治奖 澳大利亚漫画家协会和2020年NRMA肯尼迪的漫画家 奖 for Outstanding Illustration.

Christopher lives in Hobart, Tasmania with his wife and daughter. In the past 21 years, he’s adapted pretty well to living in Australia. He knows most of the slang, uses 公制系统,只有极少数情况下才会在错误的道路上行驶.
View some of Christopher's work here

2020 - 迈克安德鲁斯 (1985)

迈克安德鲁斯 Art + 设计 Distinguished 校友迈克安德鲁斯 is a sculptor, art educator and family man.  Mike took his first sculpture class at age eight at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and it had a profound influence on his 未来的职业道路.  When it came time to choose a college, his father’s military 由于事业的关系,他来到了克拉克斯维尔,迈克也因此结识了奥斯汀 Peat State University and Professor Olen Bryant.  Mike worked with Olen Bryant as 从1980年到1985年,他是布莱恩特的学生,从1982年开始担任布莱恩特的工作室助理 to 1992.  Andrews fondly recalls, “奥伦对我来说不仅仅是老师他是我家庭的一员我儿子迈克尔也在工作 在他生命的最后十多年里,他治疗了我的女儿莎拉和最小的孩子 son Josh like they were part of his family. Elaine my wife and I miss him greatly and feel blessed to have known such a kind and gentle soul. He truly is a Tennessee 宝.”i 

迈克·安德鲁斯(迈克安德鲁斯)也是一个同样善良、温柔的人,他也受到许多同事的珍视 who have worked with him over the years.  Christopher Jarrell, current art 老师 他回忆说:“迈克是一个新学生的完美导师 老师.  Steady, calm and nurturing.  He would even invite me to his home on parent-老师 因为他知道我住的地方离中环很远.”  1992年,迈克在蒙哥马利中心小学开始了他的教学生涯 在1998年搬到蒙哥马利中心高中之前,他在那里教了6年书.  2015年,当他的最后一个小学生从MCHS毕业时,迈克回来了 to Montgomery Central Elementary.  

迈克是一位敬业的教师和艺术家,并获得了许多奖项 包括2019年蒙哥马利中心小学年度最佳教师, 田纳西州人文学科年度教师奖(2013年),援助之手奖 (2014),以及卓越中心颁发的年度最佳艺术家奖(2014) in the Creative Arts at Austin Peay State University.  Mike has had two one-man shows at the Customs House Museum in Clarksville, TN in 2013 and 2019.  他的作品在整个地区展出,并被私人收藏 from California to Washington DC and abroad. His sculptures can be found in collections 包括范德比尔特大学,白宫公共图书馆, 纳什维尔国际机场,奥斯汀皮伊州立大学和罗纳德 麦当劳的房子. 

2019 - Lorilee愤怒 (2001)

Lorilee愤怒 Art + 设计 Distinguished 校友Lorilee is the founder of Thrive Creative Group, LLC. She earned her Master’s degree 佛蒙特州蒙彼利埃的佛蒙特美术学院平面设计专业毕业 奥斯汀皮伊州立大学平面设计专业美术学士学位 Clarksville, Tennessee. She is also a Visiting Assistant Professor of 设计 and active 他是今天365bet艺术与设计系的校友,并定期参加研讨会 与她珍爱的VCFA同事和顾问一起学习和研究 true history of Graphic 设计.

She also hosts her own Podcast Ground And Gratitude 她的热情在于理解图形设计的压力和责任 设计师向世界,以及如何建立一个安全的空间,一个创造性的职业生涯和 life can align honestly and authentically. As an HSP and Enneagram Type 9 she’s a creative, optimistic, and supportive leader. Lorilee’s also a writer and mom to two 超级棒的男孩. As well as a lover of her sobriety, bulldog, coffee, and chapstick.